Monday, November 8, 2010

Sub 2 + Note + MP = $0 Down

Sub 2 + Note + MP = $0 Down

Here is how it works.

STEP 1: Locate a motivated seller that has equity in their home and purchase the home "Subject to" the existing mortgage. This means you get the title to the home and will take over the payments of the mortgage. But the seller will remain on the note to the bank. (Read my article on the "Subject to" technique

STEP 2: Give the seller a Note for the balance of your purchase price for the home.

STEP 3: Work out a partnership deal to pay your maintenance person (Maintenance Partnership = MP). Many contractors will gladly wait a little while until the property is sold to receive a higher payment for supplies and repairs.

Of course, there are minor closing costs and possibly some holding costs, but the out-of-pocket purchase and fix up costs are ZERO. You shouldn't expect this technique to be easy the first time. It is a skill and skills have to be learned and developed.

Once you learn to work the formula you will be able buy investment properties with $0 Down.

Best of luck with your investing!

Manuel Becerra

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